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6 tips for successful phone and online sex

The idea that modern technology alienates people is often repeated, but at the same time it enables something that was never possible before – for example, to connect with loved ones instantly and in just a few clicks, which is especially evident in long-distance relationships. Difficult and emotionally exhausting dealing with physical distance is greatly facilitated by technology, which provides couples with a completely new platform for intimacy and everyday communication, including the sexual aspect of the relationship.

6 Tips For Successful Phone And Online Sex 1
6 Tips For Successful Phone And Online Sex 1

Sex over the phone, sexting, online or cyber sex are different versions of a very similar phenomenon – simultaneous masturbation of both partners accompanied by communication (voice, text and picture or video) and the goal of which is to share an intimate moment, stimulate passion and overcome missing.

In addition to long-distance relationships, phone or online sex can also be a great way to break routine and sexual monotony, and can also serve as excellent foreplay. Sex via video link or phone, with a little imagination, can be very exciting, it’s just important to relax and be as natural as possible.

If you want to stay connected in a long-distance relationship or miss your partner when you’re apart during the day, these 5 tips will help make your phone or online sex experience as enjoyable and exciting as possible. We will also point out some advantages and possible disadvantages in order to make it as easy as possible to decide which form of virtual sex you want to try – or which one you will try first.

  1. Nothing without good equipment
    While for hot phone sex it is enough to have a cell phone or a home phone, for sex via camera you need to have the appropriate equipment. First of all, you need a fast internet connection, because you don’t want the transmission to freeze and spoil your exciting moments. There’s no point in being on camera if your partner can’t see you well – that’s why you need a quality camera. Whether you use a mobile phone, laptop or tablet, the camera should be of high resolution. It is also important that there is enough light in the room and that there is no light source in the background, which will damage the image quality.
  2. Trust is key
    If you don’t trust your partner completely, don’t even think about phone or online sex. Moments that you thought were intimate can be recorded and shared with millions of internet users, and it is extremely important that you only engage in this if you trust the person 100%.

It would also be advisable to check if you are alone and if your partner is alone so that there is no embarrassment.

  1. Get rid of insecurity and shame
    The thought of sharing our most intimate fantasies over the phone, exposing our own body on camera, or indulging in sexual pleasures can be scary – no matter how sexually relaxed we are, it’s quite common to feel nervous or a little insecure in these different circumstances.

A glass of wine will help, as will awareness of timing – don’t force sexy topics right at the beginning of the conversation, but let them come to you more naturally. Talking about everyday things and humor will help you relax together and stop feeling uncomfortable before jumping into action.

You can also bring yourself to orgasm before coming into contact with your partner. This will help you prepare and relax for a heated conversation and/or action in front of the camera.

  1. Sound and look seductive
    Since you won’t be able to touch, taste or smell each other, speaking (or dirty talk) is your only weapon in phone sex. In order to master this skill, we need a playful (preferably dirty) imagination and a vocabulary to express it. It may seem complicated, but keep in mind the following – since you are not face-to-face, it is also a great way to share with your partner fantasies or desires that you normally lack the courage to share.

Detailed descriptions of what exactly you fantasize about are desirable so that your partner can get the best possible picture in his head, and so not only will you let your partner know what exactly you want and love, but you will also be more intimate with each other. meet, awaken passions and bring excitement to a climax.

While for telephone sex the most important thing is what you say, with sex through the camera the visual aspect also comes to the fore. You will feel more comfortable in front of the camera, and your self-confidence will be at its peak if you put a little effort into your appearance.

You will have more self-confidence and feel more comfortable in front of the camera if you put a little effort into your appearance, and your partner will definitely enjoy it. Sexy clothes and sensual underwear play an important role here, whether you decide to be in sexy underwear right away or take off your clothes later, and maybe you decide to perform a striptease, which will certainly create a heated atmosphere.

The camera should be set so that the whole body can be seen – you can sit on the edge of the bed, and later lie down.

Of course, you can also dress sexy for phone sex, which will increase your self-confidence, and you can also send a picture to your partner.

In both situations, you can say how exciting you find everything you’re doing and show how much you’re enjoying it by moaning. You can also make the conversation easier by giving instructions. Tell him/her what to do, where to touch, how to adjust, or let him/her guide you.

  1. Add a new dimension with sex toys
    Sex toys are always a great addition in the bedroom, and they will certainly serve you well during phone or online sex. Pleasure with toys provides stimuli that are completely different from hands, and if you want an experience as similar as possible to penetration, we definitely recommend realistic toys for both partners. Simultaneous use of such toys while hearing or seeing your partner will provide a completely different experience.

If you want to go one step further, there are also sex gadgets, that is, toys that can be controlled by your partner via an app – a truly interactive feeling where your pleasure is completely in someone else’s hands. Such toys can be controlled from anywhere in the world (provided you have a stable internet connection), regardless of the distance between them. The possibility of controlling the toy partner will provide pleasure and the feeling that he is really part of the action, as well as that he actively participates in your orgasm – which will also connect you more strongly.

In addition to the control itself, the application allows control over the strength of the vibration, creating and modifying your own vibrating patterns, control via sound, synchronization of vibration via music, and some of them also offer a video chat function. The choice of such toys is large, both for women and for men – it’s up to you to choose the perfect toy for you and leave control of the device to your partner.

For the end
Telephone and online sex is not for everyone, but it is a really great way to get over the separation easier and to wait with less trouble for the moment when your partner will be next to you again. And then you will be able to express all those stimuli and emotions that you felt during your virtual socializing and truly enjoy what you can finally feel.

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